Sunday, August 30, 2009

Climate Alarm

Global climatic change has dramatically affected the weather patterns in Nepal, hence affecting the crop yield and resulting in severe food shortages. It has been found that the crop production has roughly halved than the previous years.

Nepal is extremely vulnerable to climate change. It is suffering from extreme temperatures, high intense rainfalls and increased unpredictability in the weather system though it's contribution of total Green House Gas emissions in the world is just 0.025%.

The Himalayan glaciers are rapidly reducing and it has been predicted that they might disappear within 30 years, affecting more than one billion people across Asia. So, the Nepal Government and related international organisations should create awareness about climate change and its likely inpacts worldwide. The British Aid Agency said that immediate actions to ease food shortages in affected areas, awareness of climate change and a comprehensive approach to institutionalise Disaster Risk Reduction should be adopted.

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