Saturday, June 5, 2010

World Environment Day Themes since 1974

World Environment Day 2010 Theme - “Biodiversity — Ecosystems Management and the Green Economy”

World Environment Day 2009 Theme - "Your Planet Needs You - UNite to Combat Climate Change"

World Environment Day 2008 Theme - "Kick The Habit - Towards A Low Carbon Economy"

World Environment Day 2007 Theme - "Melting Ice – a Hot Topic?"

World Environment Day 2006 Theme - "Deserts and Desertification - Don't Desert Drylands!"

World Environment Day 2005 Theme - "Green Cities – Plan for the Planet!"

World Environment Day 2004 Theme - "Wanted! Seas and Oceans – Dead or Alive?"

World Environment Day 2003 Theme - "Water – Two Billion People are Dying for It!"
World Environment Day 2002 Theme - "Give Earth a Chance"

World Environment Day 2001 Theme - "Connect with the World Wide Web of Life"

World Environment Day 2000 Theme - "The Environment Millennium - Time to Act"

World Environment Day 1999 Theme - "Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!"

World Environment Day 1998 Theme - "For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas"

World Environment Day 1997 Theme - "For Life on Earth"

World Environment Day 1996 Theme - "Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home"

World Environment Day 1995 Theme - "We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment"

World Environment Day 1994 Theme - "One Earth One Family"

World Environment Day 1993 Theme - "Poverty and the Environment - Breaking the Vicious Circle"

World Environment Day 1992 Theme - "Only One Earth, Care and Share"

World Environment Day 1991 Theme - "Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership"
World Environment Day 1990 Theme - "Children and the Environment"

World Environment Day 1989 Theme - "Global Warming; Global Warning"

World Environment Day 1988 Theme - "When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last"

World Environment Day 1987 Theme - "Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof"

World Environment Day 1986 Theme - "A Tree for Peace"

World Environment Day 1985 Theme - "Youth: Population and the Environment"

World Environment Day 1984 Theme -"Desertification"

World Environment Day 1983 Theme - "Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and  Energy"

World Environment Day 1982 Theme - "Ten Years After Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental  Concerns)"

World Environment Day 1981 Theme - "Ground Water; Toxic Chemicals in Human Food Chains"

World Environment Day 1980 Theme - "A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without Destruction"

World Environment Day 1979 Theme - "Only One Future for Our Children - Development Without Destruction"

World Environment Day 1978 Theme - "Development Without Destruction"

World Environment Day 1977 Theme - "Ozone Layer Environmental Concern; Lands Loss and Soil Degradation"

World Environment Day 1976 Theme - "Water: Vital Resource for Life"

World Environment Day 1975 Theme - "Human Settlements"

World Environment Day 1974 Theme - "Only one Earth"

Source: Altius Directory (2010). Downloaded from:

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