Sunday, January 15, 2012

Community Biogas Plant – A model of Decentralized Solid Waste Management (DESWAM)

Decentralized Solid Waste Management (DESWAM) has been the best low cost option to manage waste in local level in the participation with local stakeholders. Among the various DESWAM options, Gulariya Municipality of Bardiya District has initiated 'Community Biogas Plant'.

The 'Community Biogas Plant' of Purano VDC tole (Ward no. 8, Gulariya Municipality) is constructed under Public Private Partnership (PPP) model, where Gulariya municipality acts as public sector, gas user committee as private sector and ENPHO (SWASHTHA Project) as a facilitator for this project. Biogas Construction and Energy Development Private Limited, a local biogas construction company, provided the technical support during the construction phase. 

The compost biogas plant has been designed to manage waste from one slaughter house and kitchen waste from 20 households (hhs). It has been found that the slaughter house produces nearly 200 kg slurry including dung while the hhs produce nearly 8-10 kg kitchen waste per day. The size of the plan is 15 cubic meter with capacity of more than 200 kg per day.

The plant is operated and maintained by a users’ committee, who regularly feed the waste. The produced biogas is used by five hhs (26 family members) for kitchen use. The slaughter house occasionally uses the produced biogas as fuel. According to the users’ committee, purchasing of LPG gas has drastically reduced after the functioning of biogas plant. It has been found that there is the savings of two cylinders worth NRs. 2,800 per month.

The plant has also reduced haphazard disposal of waste. This PPP approach has convinced Gulariya municipality on replicating this demonstration model at other parts of the municipality, where possible. Moreover, the users’ committee has realized the potential of their cost sharing and the benefit they gained. With regular supervision, operation and maintenance, there is no doubt that this project will sustain and can be projected as the best practice model.

-          Written by Mr. AshKumar Khaitu,  Project Coordinator, ENPHO
-          Edited by Ms. Purnima Shakya, PME Officer, ENPHO

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