"Achieving cost savings and other benefits from adopting a systematic waste minimisation programme depends on regular measurement and analysis of the resources (raw materials, energy, water, packaging, etc) used by your company and the wastes it produces. Waste measurement can help your company save money by improving the management of its processes to become more resource efficient. Measuring to manage can also help your company to improve its environmental performance and to identify opportunities to increase throughout without the need for major investment.
Taking regular measurements and analysing data will help you to:
-reduce the true cost of waste to your company;
-determine the base-line against which to judge the progress of your waste minimisation programme;
-identify cost-effective opportunities to prevent and reduce waste;
-control your process(es) more effectively;
-set improvement objectives and targets;
-determine progress towards your targets and set new ones."
Source: Envirowise (GG414) Measuring to Manage:The Key to Reducing Waste Cost. Enviros Consulting Ltd., Envirowise.
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