Sunday, January 15, 2012

Capacity building on WASH at CHRDU

Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO) has been actively involved in promoting sustainable sanitation for over a decade, through research, demonstration, promotion and capacity building programmes such as trainings and orientations. ENPHO, at present, is executing different training activities through different expertise associated with governmental and non-governmental sectors. Recently, some efforts have been initiated for joint collaboration with the government organizations for capacity building programmes. In this context ENPHO and Central Human Resource Development Unit (CHRDU) of Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS) jointly agreed to organize various capacity building trainings on Nov, 2009.

The trainings and orientations on "Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes" jointly conducted by ENPHO and CHRDU are suitable for engineers and sub-engineers. They aim to  help the trainees on providing new ideas and methods that they may consider in their planning and designing; and to get the ideas on type of gravity fed water supply systems, ground water and other problems such as calcination, iron removal, arsenic etc. encountered during the project implementation. 

Besides, ENPHO has supported the Resource Centre of CHRDU, which regularly organizes various training programmes and public awareness campaigns. Among all the conducted trainings, ENPHO organized two major international trainings at CHRDU. This included "International Engineers Training" on DEWATS organized from 3-8 October, 2010 that capacitated participants from Nepal, Mongolia, Malaysia, Sri-Lanka, Pakistan and Bhutan. Similarly, "Expert Training Course on Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management (SSWM)" organized from 16 to 26 November, 2010 capacitated SSWM professionals.

There persists the challenge of meeting Millennium Development Goal (MDG) and National Goal (NG), which cannot be completed without human resource development. In this perspective, the programmes organized at CHRDU necessarily emphasize developing the training capability of the stakeholders working in this sector. Hence, with the technical assistance and facilitation of ENPHO, CHRDU has organized series of such relevant trainings.

ENPHO and CHRDU believe in further strengthening and capacitating experts, professionals and interested individuals on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in the coming future. It is expected that the mutual collaboration will further result in wide and result oriented integrated WASH trainings.

Article written by:              Mr. Kashikant Thakur, Project Officer, ENPHO
Edited by:                             Ms. Purnima Shakya, PME Officer, ENPHO

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